Protecting a server that protects not only your data but also the data of all other customers that are housed on the server is a lot more complicated process. protecting a server requires the appropriate specifications. The handling of customer tickets, the analysis of the problem, and the remediation of cybersecurity vulnerabilities would require many technicians if a hosting provider did not have access to the appropriate infrastructure. Imunify360 is able to monitor, block, and remediate a wide variety of typical exploits, which prevents server administrators from wasting time and financial resources.
The security measure known as Imunify360 is a highly competent security measure that is always on alert, defending your website from any potential threats. Imunify360 is a security solution for Linux-based servers that provides full monitoring and scanning capabilities across many layers.
The majority of frequent web attacks that target shared hosting servers, websites using content management systems (CMS) like WordPress or Joomla, and web-based apps are identified and stopped by this software. Server administrators have the ability to automatically thwart brute-force attacks, malware uploads, malicious code injection, and a wide variety of other attacks that have the potential to impact customer sites as well as the server itself with the tools provided by Imunify360.
The majority of host servers come equipped with a control panel for site owners, and Imunify360 is compatible with well-known applications like cPanel, Plesk, and DirectAdmin. Website proprietors and administrators of servers are able to monitor malicious activities and identify potential dangers thanks to these capabilities. Code injection will be cleaned automatically by Imunify360, which will save server administrators time that would otherwise be spent fighting antivirus software.
Engineers devised Imunify360 with the intention of preventing assaults automatically in order to reduce the amount of work that server administrators have to do, so making their life easier. Not just on the specific server, but also on all of the websites that are hosted by the shared host, shared hosts are subject to a significant number of cyberattacks. You may already be aware of this fact.
It is a full-time work for hosting companies to protect and monitor customer websites, and it can be expensive for them to repair compromised websites on a server on a consistent basis. Imunify360 makes it much simpler and quicker for technical personnel to monitor, stop, and remediate assaults on customer sites. Additionally, it frees up time for them to focus on other issues within the organization. For the purpose of assisting, you in comprehending how the program would simplify the process of monitoring server activity, we will go over some of the most typical capabilities that are included in Imunify360.
Administrators are able to remove a significant portion of the overhead that is required for cybersecurity and malware analysis because Imunify360 becomes operational immediately after implementation. Find out what Imunify360 can accomplish for your shared hosting or virtual private server systems by getting started with it right away.
There is a collection of features that Imunify360 offers, and we will go over some of the more common ones in order to assist you in comprehending how the application will simplify the process of monitoring server activities. Below are some features outlined:
However, protecting a server that protects not only your data but also the data of all other customers that are housed on the server is a lot more complicated process. protecting a server requires the appropriate specifications. The handling of customer tickets, the analysis of the problem, and the remediation of cybersecurity vulnerabilities would require many technicians if a hosting provider did not have access to the appropriate infrastructure. Imunify360 is able to monitor, block, and remediate a wide variety of typical exploits, which prevents server administrators from wasting time and financial resources.
A simple method for managing configurations that might be propagated across all servers or just a portion of the network is provided by Imunify360. This method is useful for hosters who have a fleet of servers that are spread out across multiple data centers and regions.
Through the use of the overridable configuration functionality, administrators are able to fine-tune some variables while simultaneously maintaining consistency across all servers. Administrators have the ability to construct a collection of configurations that are applicable to all servers, or they can configure each server according to the services it employs, its location, or the control panel that is utilized.
A dashboard that is accessible through the main menu provides administrators with the ability to obtain the current state of the server. This is one of the advantages of Imunify360, which is that it operates automatically. You are able to view all of the events and incidents that occurred on the server through the centralized dashboard that is included in CLN. Real-time monitoring of irregularities with each and every website that is housed on the server is available to administrators.
Not only does the reporting come near to real-time, but it also provides administrators with updates, allowing them to respond promptly before malware develops problems that affect the entire server and other sites that are hosted. The Imunify360 scanner is linked with the in-application dashboard. Reports are generated and distributed to administrators whenever the scanner identifies malware. Whether you use cPanel, Plesk, DirectAdmin, or a standalone server that does not have a control panel, the Imunify360 reports inform administrators of any harmful activity that is directed toward the hosting server.
It is possible for a threat actor to carry out a brute-force assault by executing programs that would automatically try authentication on accounts. A site administrator account for a hosted content management system (CMS) like WordPress or Joomla might be one of the accounts. Another possibility is the server administrator account.
Not only does Imunify360 identify brute-force assaults and put a stop to them, but administrators also have the ability to specify detection parameters to automatically allow or restrict IP addresses. Although dynamic graylists are useful for automatically preventing brute-force assaults, administrators also have the ability to manually define whitelists or blacklists to work in conjunction with graylists.
Because access to the server will be granted to an IP address that has been whitelisted, it is important to select these IP addresses with caution. Regardless of whether or not the traffic is legitimate, a blacklisted IP address will be banned.
The protection of content management system (CMS)-based websites, such as WordPress, is one of the areas in which Imunify360 excels the best. Because a significant amount of the Internet is powered by WordPress and other content management system software, it is a key target for cybercriminals.
In order to uncover common vulnerabilities and exploit them in a matter of seconds, attackers utilize scripts that crawl through a big group of websites systematically. It is generally true that the core of the WordPress application is secure; but the plugins that are added to websites leave vulnerabilities due to poorly structured code, backdoors, or software that is not maintained and is already old. It is possible that certain plugins that have millions of installations contain vulnerabilities that can be exploited. If these sites are housed on your servers, it could be a threat to the local resources as well as other client sites. The majority of people who run their websites on a content management system (CMS) are not aware of how to adequately safeguard it.
Right out of the box, Imunify360 is a fully automated application that monitors and defends websites that are built on content management systems. It is possible for administrators to rely on virtual patching to protect apps that have become obsolete and to maintain consistency in the files of users once it has been installed to a server.
The Imunify360 team takes great satisfaction in the product that they have created. The development of efficient security solutions for shared host providers and virtual private server owners is our primary objective. Therefore, we are aware of the significance of security for the Linux operating system because the Imunify360 solution was developed by the team at CloudLinux.
We recognize the significance of security and the various methods that may be utilized to safeguard host servers as well as the websites that are dependent on them. The CloudLinux team is responsible for developing the most secure and stable operating system for host providers.
Utilizing the Imunify360 security suite will allow you to attain a higher level of protection for your web hosting. Imunify360 functions as a comprehensive security suite, with all of its components cooperating with one another to ensure that your servers remain secure and operational while you concentrate on other business-related responsibilities. Imunify360 is a combination of Antivirus for Linux Server, Firewall, Web Application Firewall, PHP Security Layer, Patch Management, and Domain Reputation, all supported by an intuitive user interface and sophisticated automation. Try out Imunify360 for free for a period of fourteen days, and you will see results in just one week.